Welcome to Sooke...
where the rainforest meets the sea is your guide to arts and culture, parks and recreation, festivals and events, restaurants, shopping, accommodations, local businesses and community services in Sooke, British Columbia.

Accommodations in Sooke, BC

Arts, Music and Theatre in Sooke, BC
Arts & Culture

Beaches and Parks in Sooke, BC
Beaches & Parks

Recreation in Sooke, BC

Festivals and Events in Sooke, BC
Festivals & Events

Restaurants and Dining in Sooke, BC

Spas and Health in Sooke, BC
Spas & Health

Shopping in Sooke, BC

Sooke Business Directory
Business Directory

Real Estate in Sooke, BC
Real Estate

Sooke Civic Services
Civic Services

Weddings in Sooke, BC

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Sooke Acrylic Painting Course

Intro to Acrylic Painting Course

Tue, Mar 4 – Tue, Apr 22
Tuesdays • 6:00–7:30pm
Edward Milne Community School
6218 Sooke Road

EMCS Society offers this 6-week introductory acrylic painting course, in which students (ages 12+) will learn a variety of painting techniques, colour theory and principles of art.
Registration $240 +GST

Sooke Rock the Ages Dance

Rock the Ages Dance

Sat, Mar 8 • 8:00pm
Sooke Legion
6726 Eustace Road

Jive, twist, disco and rock out to iconic dance music of past decades. All proceeds fundraised to help build the Sooke Gathering Place, community centre.
Adults $30

Sooke Folk Music Society Coffee House Open Stage

Valdy Concert

Sat, Mar 22 • 7:00–9:30pm
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
1962 Murray Road

Sooke Folk Music Society presents this month's featured performance by Valdy.
Tickets $25

Sooke Concert Series: Nautical Disaster

Sooke Concert Series:
Nautical Disaster

Sat, Mar 22 • 8:30pm
Sooke Community Hall
2037 Shields Road

Cascadia Concerts presents the Sooke Community Concert Series: Nautical Disaster, Tragically Hip hits and deep cuts.
Tickets $40

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Where is Sooke?

Sooke is located on the south west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 50km from the provincial capital city of Victoria.

The Sooke region encompasses the District of Sooke and East Sooke, two communities joined around the sheltered Sooke Harbour and Basin, as well as the outlaying areas of Otter Point and Shirley further west.

What's so special about it?

On the edge of temperate rainforest, Sooke enjoys a year-round mild climate and closeness to nature, making it ideal for all season outdoor recreation.

Summers are typically warm and dry. Winters also are also mild with a good amount of rainfall and rare snowfall. Our pleasant climate is ideal for outdoor recreation: hiking, cycling or horseback riding on local trails; kayaking, canoeing or paddle boarding in the sheltered harbour or local lakes; and fishing, sailing or whale watching in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Sooke also supports a wealth of interests through communtiy organizations, such as music, theatre, arts, and team sports.

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